The live Festival of Darkness album, first broadcast on German radio in 1990, has now been released as a high quality download via our Bandcamp site. This is currently only available to fan club members, so if you want to get it, sign up now! This album will not be available via other streaming services, it’s strictly a fan club exclusive.
For a limited time when you sign up you will also get the Hello America album for free, as well as have all of our forthcoming releases automatically sent to you. This will include Rodney’s solo album Places Beginning with N which will be released next month, and The Cassandra Complex All the Things live album the month after that.
You get all of that for 5 bucks a month, and you will also get the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting us in our work – and you might get some more special goodies as well.
Big thanks to legendary German alternative DJ Ecki Steig for making this release possible.