Rodney Orpheus & Lord A: An exclusive interview

In this edition Lord A interviews British musician and writer Rodney Orpheus in this exclusive video! Our guest is the bandleader of The Cassandra Complex, a legendary band in the Gothic, electronic and industrial musical context! He is also responsible for the Sun God project and is also the author of the book Abrahadabra: Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic Magic and it will be a special and exclusive interview! In it we will talk about True Will, Thelema, Voodoo, Santeria at the same time we will talk about muses, lucid dreams, Grant Morrison and backstage stories lived by Rodney Orpheus.

Rodney Orpheus in conversation in London Feb 3

‘Campfire presents Big Boost Mondays – Rodney Orpheus – the rise of the technopagan’. Live discussion talk with Rodney Orpheus at FORA Central St. London – from 6pm 03.02.20.

More info and complimentary tickets here

Join Rodney as he shares stories from his distinguished music career – his fascination with spirituality, cyberpunk innovation, forming The Cassandra Complex band in the 80’s to his ever-evolving industrial, goth rock and synth-pop style. He will also discuss the inspiration behind critically acclaimed voudou inspired album Sun God.

Interview with Rodney at (German)

Nach dem Rewind Easter Fest am letzten Wochenende im belgischen Gent (Review folgt in Kürze) hatten wir noch ein paar kurze Fragen an The Cassandra Complex. Die Band war sehr redselig und beantwortete unsere Fragen öffentlich auf ihrer Facebookseite (auf Englisch) und wir bieten euch hier die deutsche Fassung seiner Antwort, die viele Infos zu den Album- und Tourplanungen von The Cassandra Complex enthält :