March @ YouTube

We’ve just uploaded a very rare CX video to YouTube for you all. It’s the first ever promo video we ever shot, way back in 1985 for the March single. Check it out here!

We’ve got tons of old videos in the archives back here, if there’s enough interest we’ll upload some more… so do let us know!

Wave Gothic Treff

I’ve been out of touch for a couple of days while playing the WGT festival in Leipzig, Germany. This is a great festival, but it’s not open-air like most places. Basically for four days they take over every venue in the city and run non-stop concerts and parties. We were headling the Kohlrabizirkus venue on the last day of the festival, in other words, the top spot.

There were around 25,000 – 30,000 people at the festival, but the Kohlrabizirkus only holds around 4,000. That meant that it was filled to capacity several hours before we were due to go on, with hundreds (possibly thousands) of people getting turned away at the door. Even when it was sold out, the line of people outside trying to get in stretched all the way down the street!

I was seriously nervous seeing that as you can imagine, especially since we hadn’t played in five years, apart from the couple of warm-up shows in the past couple of weeks. But once we got on stage it was… incredible. We had a new light show set up for this one, with an 8 metre by 2 metre LED light wall that we had programmed for the songs. It was blindingly bright, but amazing to see. The audience went nuts from the beginning, and by the end the entire place was dancing and screaming for more. I even ended up crowd surfing…

We did a three camera video shoot as well, so you’ll get to see some of it once we get to editing some footage. For now, here’s a pic of Volker during Nightfall…

Rock & roll, eh?

And just look at those LED lights behind us…

cx wgt 2007

backstage @ WGT

Some candid backstage shots from Bob:

Soundcheck in the morning. Those LEDs were HOT. The crew were great, one of the easiest and best soundchecks we’ve ever had.

Outside the venue before the show. It had already been sold out nearly an hour before, but people were still queuing in the vain hope of getting in. Unbelievable.

That red ribbon round my neck holds the key for Cubase, which is the software that runs our drum tracks and some of our synthesiser sounds on stage. Without that key the show grinds to a halt, which is why it’s on a bright red ribbon and never leaves my side.


We just played Amsterdam. We were stunningly good, even if I do say so myself. Twice as good as London, if not more so. We had Slack, and lots of it. The audience loved it too

Now it’s 3.33 am and I’m in my hotel room still buzzing. Paul & Andy are in the bar and Volker & Bob are crashed out – they have to get up at 5 to get planes.

If this keeps going Leipzig should be a hell of a show next week. *Cross fingers*